
Friction Drilling for Strong, Efficient, and Sustainable Connections without Chips, Burrs and Swarfs

Processus sans copeaux : pas de bavures ni de copeaux avec le perçage par fluide

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LES AVANTAGES UNIQUES DE NE PAS AVOIR DE COPEAUX, D'ÉBARBURES ET DE PARTICULES ! Le perçage par friction est une technique de perçage qui minimise la perte de matériau et ne forme pas de copeaux, particules et ébarbures. Le processus de perçage par friction de Flowdrill fait couler le matériau autour du foret à friction, contrairement aux méthodes de fixation traditionnelles qui génèrent des ébarbures et des copeaux lors du perçage. Ceci est clairement visible...

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revolutionize modular construction with flowdrill: strong, fast, & error-free connections

Flowdrill Meets EUROCODE 3 Standards

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The Steel Construction Institute (SCI) has incorporated Flowdrill into its EUROCODE 3 manual. Why you should choose Friction Drilling over using an expansion or hollow bolt?  In the construction industry, structures were traditionally built on-site, using expansion bolts to create strong connections to hollow sections.. However, with the growth of modular construction and increased factory work, Friction Drilling allows you to use only the parent material to create reliable connections. This approach offers several benefits...

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Flowdrill: The Original Flowdrill Technology

Flowdrill: The Original Flowdrill Technology

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Authenticity Since 1923 Flowdrill is not just any Frictiondrill manufacturer, it is the original manufacturer of friction drills. The foundation for this revolutionary technique was laid in Southern France as early as 1923. Jan Claude de Valliere was the first to see the potential of using friction heat to drill holes in thin sheet metal. However, due to limitations in material and technology at the time, the development wasn't fully realized until nearly 60 years...

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The Lifecycle of Vehicles: Comparing Internal Combustion Engines and Electric Vehicles

The Lifecycle of Vehicles: Comparing Internal Combustion Engines and Electric Vehicles

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Explore the fascinating journey of vehicle lifecycle, comparing the recycling processes of Internal Combustion Engines and Electric Vehicles. Learn about smart material choices and discover how innovators like Flowdrill are driving the future of sustainable vehicle design. 

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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of EVs Being Built On The Same Modular Car Platform?

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of EVs Being Built On The Same Modular Car Platform?

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Explore the future of electric vehicles with our latest blog, detailing the advantages and disadvantages of EVs built on modular platforms like the VW/AUDI/Porsche MEB platform. Discover how Flowdrill holes are revolutionising EV production.  

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What Are The Advantages Of Micro EV Factories?

What Are The Advantages Of Micro EV Factories?

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Discover the potential of Micro EV Factories in the electric vehicle industry. From lower investment to increased flexibility and eco-friendly production, learn how they’re driving innovation and growth in the EV market from the perspective of Flowdrill.  

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